New Release by Attorney Don Fountain: Advocating for Consumer Safety.


New Release by Attorney Don Fountain: Advocating for Consumer Safety.

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You’ve had a fairly straightforward surgical procedure, but something feels wrong. You know that the recovery period was going to be a little painful, but certainly not this painful. Whatever is happening, this is not what the doctor intended. If you’re experiencing major complications after surgery, you might have been harmed by a failed or defective medical device.

Medical devices, more than most products on the market, must be airtight in design. When medical devices fail, it’s never just a minor inconvenience—patients get seriously injured when manufacturers do not fully screen their products for safety. If this has happened to you, Clark, Fountain, La Vista, Littky-Rubin & Whitman is here to help. Our West Palm Beach defective product lawyers have helped clients with cases like yours before and can help you fight for the best possible outcome for you.

About Medical Device Failures

Medical device failure is fairly straightforward—when an item or part that is meant to help you end up causing you major health complications, then it has failed. That extends to any sort of medical device, from devices that doctors use to treat you to incredibly small implanted parts. There are a few different types of device failures.

The types of medical device failure are:

  • Design Defect – When a device is flawed and dangerous from the outset, with no way of being “repaired” to be safer.
  • Marketing Defect – When the risks associated with a device are not property disclosed to doctors or patients.
  • Manufacturing Defect – When a device is flawed because it was not made according to its own design specifications.

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There are recent examples of both design and manufacturing defects in medical devices. IVC filters, or small cage-like wire devices placed in major veins, are intended to stop blood clots from reaching the heart or lungs. However, they are known to dislodge and migrate from where they’re placed, becoming a major danger to patients. Some of them can even become embolized, which is what they were built to prevent.

An example of a design flaw is the morcellator, a device that is created to grind up large tumors with minimal surgery, allowing surgeons to change the way they treat cancer. However, the morcellator has a high rate of accidentally spreading cancerous tumors, turning Stage I cancer in Stage IV with a single procedure. This is not a manufacturing defect—it is simply an effect the manufacturer never considered in the design stage.

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Clark Fountain understands the pain and betrayal patients feel when their medical devices fail. You deserve better treatment, and more than that, your manufacturer deserves to be held legally and financially liable for the harm you’ve suffered as a result. Our firm believes in justice, in doing what is right for the people who have been hurt by poor oversight and cost-cutting. That’s what we want for you.

Why choose us? Because we’re among the most experienced and highly skilled defective medical devices attorneys in Palm Beach, Broward, Dade, and other Florida counties. Because we have demonstrated time and time again that we do what is best for our clients, refusing to settle for less than the best possible outcome for them. But more importantly, because we stand by you from beginning to end. From free initial consultation to final appeal, we never leave your side until your case is resolved and your battle is over.

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Patient Left Paralyzed Below the Waist