Help After Brightline, Tri Rail, Metrorail and Metromover Accidents
Many Florida residents and visitors take the train as part of their daily commute or as a means of safe travel for weekend fun. The locomotives typically run without serious issue. However, when an accident, such as a collision or derailment, occurs, the results are often devastating and tragic.
If you have suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a train accident in Florida, our West Palm Beach train accident lawyers at Clark, Fountain, Littky-Rubin & Whitman are ready to help you and your family obtain the compensation and justice you all deserve. With over two centuries of combined experience and more than a billion dollars recovered on behalf of our clients, we are not afraid to go up against powerful government entities and private companies to protect your rights and best interests.
Liability of Train Companies
Train and railroad companies are responsible for ensuring riders and other visitors at the railroad are reasonably safe and comply with federal and state rules and regulations, which includes hiring and training operators, as well as properly maintaining locomotives. Since trains are considered part of the common carriers’ law, they are held to a higher standard of care than passenger vehicles.
You deserve seasoned litigation that cares about you and your life—call 561-899-2100 for a free case consultation!
When they fail to adhere to this duty due to negligence and recklessness, they are liable for any injuries, deaths, and other damages suffered by the passengers. Not only does this include collisions and derailments, but also accidents on board and outside the train.
The following are the most common types of train accidents:
- Collisions involving vehicles, objects, and other trains
- Derailments
- Electrical or mechanical failures
- Slip, trip, and fall accidents inside the train
- Accidents caused by lack of proper warnings at a railroad crossing
- Food poisoning from the food served in the train
- Electrocution caused by unsecured and unprotected high voltage cables
Request a Free Consultation with Our Legal Team Today
Filing a train accident claim may help you obtain compensation to pay medical expenses, property damage, lost earnings, and pain and suffering. When it comes to wrongful death, you can pursue recovery for burial and funeral expenses, loss of income, loss of companionship, and emotional distress. Our West Palm Beach train accident attorneys can investigate the accident, gather evidence, and hold the negligent parties liable for their actions. Not only do we want to help you recover your entitled damages, but also make sure this type of accident doesn’t happen again.
Contact us at 561-899-2100 and discuss your case with Clark, Fountain, Littky-Rubin & Whitman today.