New Release by Attorney Don Fountain: Advocating for Consumer Safety.


New Release by Attorney Don Fountain: Advocating for Consumer Safety.

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Tue 3rd Mar | 2020

The Dangers of Flex Seal & Toxic Exposure

Accidents Defective Products Product liability BY

Potentially Hazardous Liquid Rubber Sealant Coating

The multi-purpose liquid rubber spray known as Flex Seal is used to block out moisture, air and is even used as a water barrier for in-water use. Unfortunately, with multi-use comes the risks of a health hazard, injury, or property damage. The team of attorneys at Clark, Fountain, Littky-Rubin & Whitman can help you recover damages if you’ve sustained an injury or illness due to exposure to Flex Seal. Contact our team to discuss how Flex Seal has affected you.

Is Flex Seal Toxic To Humans

Yes, Flex Seal can be toxic to humans especially to young children. The central nervous system may be compromised by overexposure to this product, so any time you feel you are having a reaction to or an illness due to this product, you should seek medical attention.

There are a few other health hazards to be aware of for those using Flex Seal, especially if children or infants are nearby and may be exposed. Being aware of dangers and taking appropriate safety measure is your first line of defense.

Precautions should be taken for the following health hazards:

  • Inhalation: The fumes from asphalt (chemically similar) can be considered carcinogenic, so prolonged, chronic exposure may prove toxic. Proper breathing apparatus (a face mask) is advised.
  • Ingestion: This product can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if ingested, potentially causing permanent damage. Immediately contact your physician or poison control if the product is ingested, do not induce vomiting.
  • Eye exposure: Mechanical irritation (redness, irritation, sight damage, permanent damage) may occur if this product gets into your eyes. Immediate flushing with gently flowing water is necessary. If the product is in your eyes, roll the eyes while efficiently holding them open in the flow of water for 15 minutes. Wear proper eye protection to reduce the chance of exposure.
  • Skin exposure: Prolonged exposure of skin to this product or to clothing that is contaminated with this product may cause irritation. Persistent irritation should be examined by a physician.

Fire Exposure to this product may produce toxic fumes and cans of this product may combust when exposed to fire because of internal vapor pressure. Extra care should be taken to prevent fire when using this product. Your health and safety should be of utmost importance any time you are working with potentially toxic material.

Get Started on Your Case Today

If you’ve been hurt or experienced illness due to a Flex Seal accident, our team of lawyers can help. We are experienced with product liability cases and knowledgeable about the laws of product responsibility. Let us work with you to get the settlement you deserve. Your health and safety should not be compromised because of a product malfunction or hazard, and we can help you hold responsible parties accountable.

Contact our firm today to discuss your case today at 561-899-2100.